Hapland III is here!!!! Wow I am way too excited to play this game. I'll make this post shorter. I just cant wait to play the game. Take my word for it. You are going to enjoy this game a lot. Hapland was created by Rob Allen. This is the sequel to his very popular series of hapland games. I've already posted the other 2 versions. You can check them out in the Feb 2006 Archive. How to play? Just click on any damn thing. Things will react. Dont be too logical. Click on every possible pixel on the screen. Enjoy!!!!
game source: www.foon.co.uk game categoy: point and click
---------------------------------------------------------------- Hapland 3 Walkthrough ---------------------------------------------------------------- I would recommed all of you to try completing the game yourself. Just following the walkthrough would take away half the fun playing it. But at times this game can get a li'l too difficult to complete. So if you are stuck and just cant find the way out click the show walkthrough button below
Lets call the man standing above the platform as PlatformMan and the other one standing besides the lever the LeverMan. 1. Click the PlatformMan to move him to right side of the platform. 2. Now click the lever besides LeverMan. The PlatformMan will see items rotating above his head. When a carrot comes. Click on the carrot to be eaten by PlatformMan. 3. Again keep pressing the lever till another carrot comes. Now you have to be careful with the timing. click the carrot and before he eats it click on the top lid of the crate beneath the platform. The lid will open and the carrot will fall down. 4. Two flies will appear. You'll have to click on the flies so as not to let them eat the carrot. Yes, In Hapland a fly can eat an entire carrot. A bug will then come out of a swithch to eat the carrot. 5. Close both the switches. That will activate both the teleporters. 6 Now click the lever till an arrow comes on the screen above the PlatformMan. Now click the right lid of the crate beaneath the platform. Click the arrow. The Platform man will run and stand besides the teleporter. There is an arrow at the bootom of the tree. Click on it so that it faces right. Click on the PlatformMan so that it enters the house below the tree. He goes into the bathroom to flush out the carrot he has eaten (That's pretty fast digestive system). 7. Click on the bell of the house to get our PlatformMan out. Now click on the spaceship and immediately click on the right yellow buttom beneath the crate which itself is below the platform. The PlatformMan will run into the house and and the spaceship will carry the wheel and drop it near the tree to blow the detonator kept over there. 8. Ring the door bell again. 9. Click the platformMan. 10. Make him stand on the left side of the platform. 11. Keep clicking the lever till a shield appears on top. 12. Disconnect the switch just above the lever man. Pull the lever. The LeverMan will swim across. 13. Bend the pipe which will now be just above the LeverMan standing on the extreme Left. 14. Click the spaceship. Again timing needs to be perfect here. This usually works. Wait till spaceship goes out of the screen bounds and after a second of that click on the shield and then pull the lever on the extreme left. The white rock will hit the shield and bounce to hit the spaceship. The lake will freeze. 15. Again do the same thing to throw a white and a black ball(this is a bomb) into the basket hanging from the tree. 16. Turn on the light above the door on the extreme left. Our LeverMan will get a kick and he'll return to his original position. Click on the small wheel at the centre of the crate to start it rotating. Now click on the left yellow button. A wheel should come out. 17. Close the switch above the LeverMan. 18. Keep pulling the lever till a small red bomb appear on screen. Keep the Platform man on left and click on the bomb. The lake will now melt. 19. Click on the leaves above the crow to make a spider come out. Click on the top left window to have a carrot thrown out. Now click the spider again and immediately click on the crow. The crow will try to shoot the spider but will miss it to directly hit the tree to have a ladder appear and the basket fall to drain the lake. 20. Open the switch above the LeverMan and pull the lever. The leverman will go down the lake. 21. Let's call the third man - RepairMan. Click on the leaves of the right tree(directly above the rightmost teleporter). A fruit will fall to break the teleporter. Click on the bell. The repairman cannot tolerate any damage. He'll come down to repair it. As soon as he comes out of his shop. Click on the door to close it. 22. The repair man burn the vine. 23. After the vine has been burnt down. Click on the arrow to point it towards right. There is a large cave on the right hand side with a big box. Click on the left lid of the box to open it. Also open the manhole to allow access to the cave. 24. Now click the RepairMan. He'll fall into the cave. Click him again and he'll come out of the box on some vehicle. When he's just below the red something click on that so that it emits something into the vehcile. Immediatelt pull the lever in the lake. Again some weird thing should also fall into the vehicle. 25. The vehicle will now turn into some shodowy monster which will chase you. 26. You will run away but monster will hit the wall to show a button with 'Do Not press' written below it. DO NOT PRESS THE BUTTON. Instead click the rightmost wheel. 27. Now you can press the button for some flashy colour changing climax.
Its been a long time since my last post. I couldnt find any games worth mentioning over here. So till the time I get across some stupendously superb game I would mention here remakes of some retro blockbusters.
Tetris The name speaks for itself. Here you'll find a flash version of the game. This game has an edge over our good old version and that is online Hall of Fame. Compete with all Tetris fans across the globe. Wish you all the luck! game category: classic games game source: gamebrew
Pac Man/Pacman This game has eaten up huge amount of productive time of millions of people. But hey who cares as the more we eat the higher our scores get. And we all want to beat that b*$+*rd sitting on the top of the high-score chart isnt it? game category: classic games game source: goriya
Super Mario Brothers This game in its original form was a huge success. There have been hundreds of remakes. No guarantees about this particular flash version as I havent played it myself. Do write your comments about the game. game category: classic games game source: freeonlinegames
This one is old. But some games are worth mentioning and I dont want to miss out on this one appearing on my blogs. Beating up that little penguin has helped me get out of my frustration created by my dumb headed superiors. You ara a snowman and a penguin will jump from above just to let you hit him. Depending upon the timing the penguin is thrown away when you hit him. The distance b/w you and the penguin earns you that many points. Believe me this one's addictive.
Weird name, eh? Let me tell you what ALIAS stands for. Its 'Artificial Lifeform Intended for Assassination and Sabotage'. Even more weird, rt? Alias 2 is the sequel to the one of the best shooting 2D scroller games ever made on flash platform. Those of you who havent played Alias can have a look at it here.
The gameplay is smooth.. really smooth. The keyboard configuration is kept as follows:
D : Walk forward A : Walk backward D & S : roll forward, a+s - roll backward W : Climb Space - Jump Left mouse click : fire
This one's from freeonlinegames. Great work again! Unlimitted ammo. Keep that left button of your mouse pressed throughout. Go on a killing spree. Enjoy!