New Metal Slug is an awesome 2D scrolling flash game. Its one of the best action shooters game available. It is one level remake of SNK's famous arcade platformer with enhanced graphics. If you miss the days of Prince of Persia then you'll surely enjoy this one.
Controls(These are configurable) UP -W DN - S LEFT - A RIGHT - D
J - Fire K - Jump L - throw grenade
The game size is approx 3MB so if you have an extremely slow dial-up connection then you may want to avoid this. The flash swf file can be copied from the temporary directory if you want to play it offline but I'm not sure whether copyright laws allow it for personal use. So do it at your own discretion.
game category: action shooter game / 2D scrolling game game source: game type: flash game game size: ~3MB
Kronos is the Greek god of time and so the name Chronon. Enough teaching.. Eyemaze produces some really innovative and challenging puzzle games. Chronon is no exception and the gameplay is fabulous. Its a point and click game but not like others in the same genre. You'll have to think hard. The most interesting part of eyemaze games is that it adds one more dimension to your game - Time and that's where all the fun lies. The game starts with some weird looking monster going out of his house at 6 in the morning. A ghost that works during day time and returns back at 7 in the evening. There is a li'l yellow man in a cage. We have to return the Yellow man his freedom. A small hint: You dont need to kill the ghost to be free, you can also make him happy.. umm.. amke him some nice dish till he comes back. I wont spoil much of your fun discover it for yourself and enjoy. The Score at the bottom will give you an indicator if you are moving in the right direction.
game source: eyemaze game categoy: point and click / puzzle
---------------------------------------------------------------- Chronon Walkthrough ---------------------------------------------------------------- I would recommed all of you to try completing the game yourself. Just following the walkthrough would take away half the fun playing it. But at times this game can get a li'l too difficult to complete. So if you are stuck and just cant find the way out click the show walkthrough button below
You can select time of the day for which you want to move objects by clicking on the time on the top of the screen.
1. Click 12:25 i] On the center of the screen there is a circular something..(i dunno what it is called but it seems it is used as an heating device). Click on it so that it goes into the fireplace. ii] You'll see someting on the window top. Its a clock. Click on it so that it hangs where the heating ring was present.
2. Click 14:45 i] You'll find a key popping out of the top of the clock at it has struck 12. (Note: the clock works only when it is hanged. weird). Click on the key. You'll get additional time.
3. Click 6:15 i] Put the heating ring on the table. ii] Click on the egg to put it on the top of the heating ring. ii] Open the window.
4. Click 9:05 i] Click on the ledge in the fireplace to remove it. ii] Click on the rope at the bottom of the table to tie it to the ledge and the new born baby. ii] Click on the milk bottle on the left of the baby to give it to the baby.
5. Click 9:45 i] Monster as gone out of the house. Thankfully we've tied a rope to his leg. Click on the rope to bring him back in.
6. Click 12:25 i] The monster liked the red fruit so much that he has brought it with him. Click on the fruit to drop it on the floor. ii] Click on the rope so that the rope get tied to the red fruit. ii] Click on the bottle to put it on the left side of the table. iii] Click on the bottle in the baby's hand to put it on the right side of the table.
7. Click 6:15 i] Click on the clock above the window to hang it on the wall
8. Click 9:05 i] Click on the tail of the Clock so that it gets straightened.
9. Click 9:45 i] An egg has popped up on the top of the clock. Click on it. Wow clocks give eggs. ii] The cage has been lifted up. Click on the wood at the bottom of the cage to put it above the window.
10. Click 12:25 i] Click on the mirror and let the baby see his face.
11. Click 14:55 i] Now the haeting ring is burning. Click on it to put it into the fireplace. ii] Click on the wood at the top of the window to put it into fireplace. iii] Put ledge on the fireplace back. iv] Click on the pabn to put it on the table. v] Click on all items kept above the fireplace except the black bottle. Also click the two bottle on the right and left of the table. vi] Put clock back on the window shelf.
11. Click 18:10 i] Click on the pan to cook all our ingredients. ii] Put clock back on the wall.
12. Click 19:00 Great the moster liked whatever rubbish you cooked and is ok with the li'l yellow boy out of the cage. If your score is below 100 there is still someting more you can do to make the monster more happy ofcourse if you have nothing better to do than to please a stupid monster on your computer screen.
Well I've never ever mentioned racing games in my blog.. I dont usually find flash racing games to be much involving.. but for quite a while I got hooked onto this game .. It may take time to load so avoid it if you are using dial-up connection.. the good thing is u can skip all the registration business and directly get into action.. Its a racing game and i need not explain you guz what racing is.. the only diff being that you are some fruit.. and you are racing with other goddamned fruits.. So start zooming...
game source: game category: racing
The name "chaos theory" comes from the fact that the systems that the theory describes are apparently disordered, but chaos theory is really about finding the underlying order in apparently random data. Well I know you'd have hit me if you'd have got hold of me.. Ok so before my visitors start closing down the windows, lets start talking about the game.. The game starts with some text which I tried hard to understand but couldnt.. It was japanese or may be chinese or may be some martian language... whatever it is just click on the first word and you'll enter the game.. it comprises of some circles moving up and down.. What you have to do is click somewhere on the screen at a point when there would be maximum chaos.. When you click a large circle will appear on the screen and when it collides with the smaller circles another big circle appears.. You can click only once... Try to make all 50 circles collide... This game is addictive.. atleast it was for me n I hope it will be for all of you guys too... enjoy..
Hapland III is here!!!! Wow I am way too excited to play this game. I'll make this post shorter. I just cant wait to play the game. Take my word for it. You are going to enjoy this game a lot. Hapland was created by Rob Allen. This is the sequel to his very popular series of hapland games. I've already posted the other 2 versions. You can check them out in the Feb 2006 Archive. How to play? Just click on any damn thing. Things will react. Dont be too logical. Click on every possible pixel on the screen. Enjoy!!!!
game source: game categoy: point and click
---------------------------------------------------------------- Hapland 3 Walkthrough ---------------------------------------------------------------- I would recommed all of you to try completing the game yourself. Just following the walkthrough would take away half the fun playing it. But at times this game can get a li'l too difficult to complete. So if you are stuck and just cant find the way out click the show walkthrough button below
Lets call the man standing above the platform as PlatformMan and the other one standing besides the lever the LeverMan. 1. Click the PlatformMan to move him to right side of the platform. 2. Now click the lever besides LeverMan. The PlatformMan will see items rotating above his head. When a carrot comes. Click on the carrot to be eaten by PlatformMan. 3. Again keep pressing the lever till another carrot comes. Now you have to be careful with the timing. click the carrot and before he eats it click on the top lid of the crate beneath the platform. The lid will open and the carrot will fall down. 4. Two flies will appear. You'll have to click on the flies so as not to let them eat the carrot. Yes, In Hapland a fly can eat an entire carrot. A bug will then come out of a swithch to eat the carrot. 5. Close both the switches. That will activate both the teleporters. 6 Now click the lever till an arrow comes on the screen above the PlatformMan. Now click the right lid of the crate beaneath the platform. Click the arrow. The Platform man will run and stand besides the teleporter. There is an arrow at the bootom of the tree. Click on it so that it faces right. Click on the PlatformMan so that it enters the house below the tree. He goes into the bathroom to flush out the carrot he has eaten (That's pretty fast digestive system). 7. Click on the bell of the house to get our PlatformMan out. Now click on the spaceship and immediately click on the right yellow buttom beneath the crate which itself is below the platform. The PlatformMan will run into the house and and the spaceship will carry the wheel and drop it near the tree to blow the detonator kept over there. 8. Ring the door bell again. 9. Click the platformMan. 10. Make him stand on the left side of the platform. 11. Keep clicking the lever till a shield appears on top. 12. Disconnect the switch just above the lever man. Pull the lever. The LeverMan will swim across. 13. Bend the pipe which will now be just above the LeverMan standing on the extreme Left. 14. Click the spaceship. Again timing needs to be perfect here. This usually works. Wait till spaceship goes out of the screen bounds and after a second of that click on the shield and then pull the lever on the extreme left. The white rock will hit the shield and bounce to hit the spaceship. The lake will freeze. 15. Again do the same thing to throw a white and a black ball(this is a bomb) into the basket hanging from the tree. 16. Turn on the light above the door on the extreme left. Our LeverMan will get a kick and he'll return to his original position. Click on the small wheel at the centre of the crate to start it rotating. Now click on the left yellow button. A wheel should come out. 17. Close the switch above the LeverMan. 18. Keep pulling the lever till a small red bomb appear on screen. Keep the Platform man on left and click on the bomb. The lake will now melt. 19. Click on the leaves above the crow to make a spider come out. Click on the top left window to have a carrot thrown out. Now click the spider again and immediately click on the crow. The crow will try to shoot the spider but will miss it to directly hit the tree to have a ladder appear and the basket fall to drain the lake. 20. Open the switch above the LeverMan and pull the lever. The leverman will go down the lake. 21. Let's call the third man - RepairMan. Click on the leaves of the right tree(directly above the rightmost teleporter). A fruit will fall to break the teleporter. Click on the bell. The repairman cannot tolerate any damage. He'll come down to repair it. As soon as he comes out of his shop. Click on the door to close it. 22. The repair man burn the vine. 23. After the vine has been burnt down. Click on the arrow to point it towards right. There is a large cave on the right hand side with a big box. Click on the left lid of the box to open it. Also open the manhole to allow access to the cave. 24. Now click the RepairMan. He'll fall into the cave. Click him again and he'll come out of the box on some vehicle. When he's just below the red something click on that so that it emits something into the vehcile. Immediatelt pull the lever in the lake. Again some weird thing should also fall into the vehicle. 25. The vehicle will now turn into some shodowy monster which will chase you. 26. You will run away but monster will hit the wall to show a button with 'Do Not press' written below it. DO NOT PRESS THE BUTTON. Instead click the rightmost wheel. 27. Now you can press the button for some flashy colour changing climax.
Its been a long time since my last post. I couldnt find any games worth mentioning over here. So till the time I get across some stupendously superb game I would mention here remakes of some retro blockbusters.
Tetris The name speaks for itself. Here you'll find a flash version of the game. This game has an edge over our good old version and that is online Hall of Fame. Compete with all Tetris fans across the globe. Wish you all the luck! game category: classic games game source: gamebrew
Pac Man/Pacman This game has eaten up huge amount of productive time of millions of people. But hey who cares as the more we eat the higher our scores get. And we all want to beat that b*$+*rd sitting on the top of the high-score chart isnt it? game category: classic games game source: goriya
Super Mario Brothers This game in its original form was a huge success. There have been hundreds of remakes. No guarantees about this particular flash version as I havent played it myself. Do write your comments about the game. game category: classic games game source: freeonlinegames
This one is old. But some games are worth mentioning and I dont want to miss out on this one appearing on my blogs. Beating up that little penguin has helped me get out of my frustration created by my dumb headed superiors. You ara a snowman and a penguin will jump from above just to let you hit him. Depending upon the timing the penguin is thrown away when you hit him. The distance b/w you and the penguin earns you that many points. Believe me this one's addictive.
Weird name, eh? Let me tell you what ALIAS stands for. Its 'Artificial Lifeform Intended for Assassination and Sabotage'. Even more weird, rt? Alias 2 is the sequel to the one of the best shooting 2D scroller games ever made on flash platform. Those of you who havent played Alias can have a look at it here.
The gameplay is smooth.. really smooth. The keyboard configuration is kept as follows:
D : Walk forward A : Walk backward D & S : roll forward, a+s - roll backward W : Climb Space - Jump Left mouse click : fire
This one's from freeonlinegames. Great work again! Unlimitted ammo. Keep that left button of your mouse pressed throughout. Go on a killing spree. Enjoy!
Well Hapland was a challenge, rt? Get ready for more adventure and challenge with the sequel(?) Hapland 2. Robin Allen has lived upto the expectations set for this much awaited game. Your Goal? Restore power to the portal in order to save a princess or something. Just light the damn torches. Sometimes helpful symbols are engraved on the walls. Click on everything! No, really, everything. Even that thin pink thing that doesnt look like it does anything. Enjoy
game category: puzzle/point and click game source:
Hapland is a fun game and presents you with an interactive world where you have to guess how to reach your goal (and the goal itself I suppose). But so that you are not left guessing here is what you are supposed to do: Light up both the torches on the circle at top left corner of the screen which would open the stone portal to end up. See if you can complete this without any help from walkthroughs available on the net.
game category: puzzle/point and click game source:
This one by Grant Robinson is fun to play. 20 thumbnails are displayed on screen and you have to guess what search term in Google's image search will display these images. This has nothing to do with Google Inc though it displays images retreived from Google's image search. Top scores are on daily basis.
Alien Hominid is a fast action 2D scrolling game. It is this fast action that gives the game its life. Developed by newgrounds this will keep you glued to your computer screens till you see the end. Uses Keyboard controller with arrow keys for obvious functions and 'a' and 's' keys to shoot and jump respectively.
I dont enjoy point and click games much so I was a li'l skeptical before I started playing this one but to my surprise this game turned out to be the best game in the genre I had ever played. Our strange hero's dog gets kidnapped by aliens and you need now to help our weird hero find his dog and escape. There are some really great graphics and photorealistic images (though at times it seems they have used real photographs). Great work by Amanita Designs.
---------------------------------------------------------------- Samorost2 Walkthrough ---------------------------------------------------------------- I would recommed all of you to try completing the game yourself. Just following the walkthrough would take away half the fun playing it. But at times this game can get a li'l too difficult to complete. So if you are stuck and just cant find the way out click the show walkthrough button below
1. Click the dog house
Level 1 [The main character of the story is some white colored alien.]
2. Click on the alien 3. Click the green bug and put it on top of the tree. 4. On the left side, click the blinking arrow pointing (pointing to the left). 5. Get inside the cave and click the middle bottle to pick up the cork. 6. On the left side of the screen, click on the baby anteater and immediately click on the hole, that the big anteater is sucking at, so the alien can repair it. 7. Get inside the cave again. 8. pull the water lever twice, click the right wheel once and click the monkey until a powder from the plant goes into the funnel that you moved, turn on the fire knob and turn the outside tap water knob so that snail will drink it. Grab the hammer. 9. Knock the robot
Level 2 10. Click on the right of the pipe so that the fly can come out. 11. Hit away the round stone, left of fly; when bug crawl next to possum, click the possum and it will eat it. 12. Click the fly so that it will go to the possum vomit. 13. Click on the white guy and after that click the web ball (what becomes of the fly)
Level 3 14. Click on the box and release rat, click on the hole twice and plug drop out. 15. Use the plug at the socket on the left 16. Click the cable on the floor twice and click on the hanging hook 17. Go out and grab the flashlight on the wall 18. Click the rope so you can open the sewer. 19. Go down the hole, pull the lever once and click the wheel on the pipe 20. Pull the lever again and turn the wheel on the wall to open a hole 21. Go into the hole 22. Turn all three small wheel so that they are aligned and red spot is at top and bottom position, then turn the big wheel and click the hole on other side to go. 23. Press the coin on the machine to insert credit, click on one for robot on to come out. Grab the screwdriver and unscrew the smaller looking nuts. give back the robot screwdriver. Hit the hole and the coin comes back out. 24. Now do again for robot 2, unscrew big nut. 25. Click the chain to mess up the machine. 26. Watch him go back, and then click the ladder. 27. Hit the lever to stop the fruit from coming. 28. Pick all fruit from right basket to left basket until empty and go into the right basket 29. Pick up the sausage and hang at the skull, when the green monster hand moves away, press the red button 30. When the white guy drop onto the floor, click on the green monster, get key and put it in the keyhole and save your dog 31.Click the door button for elevator and to get out
Grow Cube is a wonderful startegy game. It may take time for some people to understand it at first. Try putting various objects that appear on screen in some order. There is only one order which will make you win the game. Eyemaze has done a great job developing this game and I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
On similar lines EyeMaze has also introduced other grow games.
Balls and Walls launch game Balls and walls is an absolutely fantastic game. The gameplay is excellent. Play it in 2 player mode and you'll have loads of fun though it can also be played in single player mode. The game is very simple to get hang on. Use right/left arrow keys for movement. Up arrow keys sets an angle and pressing it again shoots the balls. You can fire any no of balls based on the duration for which the up key is pressed. While playing in 2 Player mode the left and right arrow keys are replaced by 'z' and 'x' and the up key is replaced by 's' for second player.
Get started working on your reflexes. This game could have been a li'l bland if not for online scores. Its fun to see yourself improving and competing with other players (though there are some ridiculously high scores for first couple of players in the hall of fame). The game is simple and very easy to play. You'll see a gun after the game has launched. Wait and right click your mouse as soon as a bullet is fired. Clicking before the bullet gets fired will give you a penalty. As levels progress you'll be provided lesser and lesser time to dodge. See for yourself n enjoy.